The Department of Sustainable Development Donated 1200 Seed Packets to Local Seed Libraries
Each year Appstate's Department of Sustainable Development joins farmers around the world in the tradition of seed saving, and donates a portion of them to the community. The practice of seed saving has been the way of maintaining farms and gardens for 12,000 years. In recent years, the Watuaga and Ashe County Public Libraries have partnered with the Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture to make saved seeds available in Seed Libaries. These libraries were created to promote food security, community resilience, and a culture of sharing in the High Country, and contain a variety of fruit, vegetables, and flowers free to community members.
“The seed library is a great way to help preserve and promote the amazing crop diversity of our region. Through the act of seed sharing, we are eager to make the practices of home gardening and seed saving accessible to the whole community,” said Julia Showalter, board chair for Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture. (Mountaintimes 2.6.2023)
Last month, the Department of Sustainable Development processed, packaged, and donated the Open Pollinated and Heirloom seeds grown at the ASU farm in classes over the past year. They were taken into the seed libraries in Ashe and Watauga counties to share with the community at the end of January. Approximately 600 packs were taken to the seed libraries in Ashe and Watauga counties. These contributions were comprised of twenty varieties of vegetables, herbs, and flowers!
Farm Director, Chip Hope reflected on their efforts, "Each year we try to grow and save a different diversity of varieties in our Historic Garden on the ASU Sustainable Development Teaching and Research Farm in Fleetwood. I love it, the students love it and I hope and believe the folks in the community love it."
For more information on Seed Libaries visit these sites: