A Reading and Conversation on Stories of Climate Resilience in the South

On Wednesday, September 25, 2019 the Goodnight Family Sustainable Development Department will host an evening reading and conversation with author Rick Van Noy for an exploration of climate change stories from the South. The event will take place from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in Belk Library, Room 421, on the campus of Appalachian State University.

Sudden Spring: Stories of Adaptation in a Climate-Changed South is a portrait of what climate change looks like in specific Southern places to specific people. Combining stories from residents with local experts from geology, conservation, and government, this book details who climate change affects, what it does, and how communities are dealing with it. With interwoven threads of history, politics, science, religion, and nature, these narrative essays highlight a race between salvation and destruction playing out in communities across the South, bringing beautiful dying places to life.

Rick Van Noy is the author of Surveying the Interior: Literary Cartographers and the Sense of Place, A Natural Sense of Wonder: Connecting Kids with Nature through the Seasons (Georgia UP), and Sudden Spring: Stories of Adaptation in a Climate-Changed South (Georgia UP). Rick Van Noy is professor of English at Radford University in Radford, VA.

Contact Dr. Jennifer Westerman at westermanjh@appstate.edu for more information.

Published: Sep 6, 2019 1:04pm
