SD student Nelson Gonzales was recently presented with the Charles Church Stewardship and Sustainability Award at the 67th Annual Farm City Banquet. The award honors the late Charles Church, who was an integral part of our agricultural community and an early adopter of sustainable agricultural practices. The banquet is hosted each year by the Watauga County Cooperative Extension and features a locallly-sourced meal, music, and awards to agricultural leaders in our commuity. Dr. Jim Hamilton, Watauga County Extension Director and SD adjunct faculty member, welcomed guests to the event, and SD faculty member Dr. Anne Fanatico presented the award. Gonzales is a Sustainable Development major with a concentration in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture. A student veteran, Gonzales is originally from the Dominican Republic, was raised in New Jersey, joined the US Navy, and then came to Appalachian as a transfer student. At Appalchian, Gonzales has significantly contributed to the stewardship of the SD Civic Garden, participated in faculty reseach projects, and served as a Farm Fellow on the SD Teaching and Research Farm. Photo by Luke Barber.