Research Interests:
Sustainable poultry production, regenerative agriculture and livestock production, ecological poultry practices including local feeds and nutrient cycling, insects as feed, responsible antimicrobial use, animal welfare, one health for animal/human/planet interconnections, poultry biodiversity and differentiated genetics, integration of poultry with pasture and agroforestry, carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services provided by livestock, small-scale poultry slaughter and processing, community engagement and international outreach in Latin America for social justice in agriculture, beginning farmer training in sustainable agriculture
- 2007 Ph.D. Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
- 1992 M.S. Animal Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.
- 1985 B.A. Zoology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
- 1985 B.A. Spanish, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Courses Taught
- Principles of Agroecology (SD 3100)
- Sustainable Livestock (SD 3250)
- Eating Meat in the Anthropocene (HON 2515)
- One Health: Animal, Human, and Ecological Well-being (SD 3535)
- Curricular innovations: Agroecology Outreach, Methods in Agroecology Research, Sustainable Poultry (on-line; in development)
I am interested in ecology and equity in food and agriculture. After college, I joined the US Peace Corps and served in Costa Rica (‘87-89), working at a tropical agriculture research center (CATIE) and developing agroforestry projects with local farmers. I completed an M.S. in Animal Science at Oregon State University (OSU) studying alternative feeds for livestock, including temperate tree forages for rabbits. As a graduate student, I managed the Rabbit Research Center at OSU, including a 30-doe herd. After graduation, I joined the nonprofit organization, the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT; Southeast Regional Office) in Arkansas. I wrote educational materials on sustainable poultry production and developed outreach programs for 15 years. I completed a Ph.D. in Poultry Science at the University of Arkansas (UA) to study the impact of genetics, production system, and nutrition on meat chicken performance and meat quality for organic and specialty markets. I conducted post-doctoral research with the USDA ARS Poultry Production and Product Safety Research Unit and developed an organic poultry research facility. I also studied poultry welfare and was trained in broiler welfare (PAACO). I have served on scientific committees for Humane Farm Animal Care and American Humane Association.
I joined the faculty of the Sustainable Development Department at Appalachian State University in 2010. I teach regenerative agriculture, livestock, and poultry to undergraduate students. I developed a Pastured Poultry Research facility at the SD Farm, assisted with a woodlot swine facility, and other livestock operations. I conduct research on ecological feeding for pastured broilers and developed a mobile processing unit for small-scale slaughter. My outreach program focuses on sustainable poultry education, including community engagement with consumers and other stakeholders. I also conduct beginning farmer training focused on helping military veterans explore farming. I explore the role of agricultural and livestock production in providing healthy food for all, ecosystem services, meaningful livelihoods, and social justice to build resilient communities.
Representative Publications
A.C. Fanatico, A. Kollanoor Johny, A. Upadhyay, and S.B. Bramall. 2025. Sustainable poultry education for undergraduate students. Poultry Science 104:2.
A.C. Fanatico, L.G. Gibbard, and S. B. Bramall. 2025. Frontline to Farm: Sustainable farming training for military veterans and beginning farmers. Poultry Science. Volume 104:1.
Fanatico, A.C., K. Arsi, I. Upadhyaya, J. Morales Ramos, D. Donoghue, A.M. Donoghue. 2018. Sustainable Fish and Invertebrate Meals for Methionine and Protein Feeds in Organic Poultry Production. J. Appl. Poul. Res. 27(4):437-448
Fanatico, A. C., J. A. Mench, G. S. Archer , Y. Liang, V. B. Brewer Gunsaulis, C M. Owens, and A. M. Donoghue. 2016. Effect of Outdoor Structural Enrichments on the Performance, Use of Range, and Behavior of Free-range Meat Chickens. Poultry Science 95(9):1980-8. doi: 10.3382/ps/pew196
Fanatico, A.C., C. M. Owens-Hanning, V. Brewer Gunsaulis, and A. M. Donoghue. 2015. Choice feeding of protein concentrate and grain to organic meat chickens. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 2016, 25 (2), 156-164. doi: 10.3382/japr/pfv076
A. C. Fanatico, V. B. Brewer, C. M. Owens-Hanning , D. J. Donoghue , and A. M. Donoghue. 2013 Free-choice Feeding of Free-range Meat Chickens. 2013 J. Appl. Poult. Res. 22 :750–758 10.3382/japr.2012-00687
Fanatico, A.C., P. B. Pillai, P.Y. Hester, C. Falcone, J.A. Mench, C.M. Owens, and J. L. Emmert. 2008. Performance, livability, and carcass yield of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes raised indoors or with outdoor access. Poult. Sci. 87:1012-1021.
Fanatico, A.C., P. B. Pillai, J. L. Emmert, E. E. Gbur, J. F. Meullenet, and C. M. Owens. 2007. Sensory attributes of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes raised indoors or with outdoor access. Poult. Sci. 86: 2441-2449.
Fanatico, A.C., P.B. Pillai, J.L. Emmert, and C.M. Owens. 2007. Meat quality of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes fed low-nutrient or standard diets and raised indoors or with outdoor access. Poult. Sci. 86:2245-2255.
Agroecology Outreach
See the Sustainable Poultry Outreach page
See Frontline to Farm website

Title: Professor
Department: Sustainable Development
Email address: Email me
Phone: (828) 262-6813
Office address
214-A Living Learning AcademicAttachments
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