Graduation Date: 12/14/2013
Degree Received: Agroecology & Sustainable Agriculture (BS)
Other Degree: History Minor
Here's what I've been doing since graduation:
I have started working on an MA in environmental history at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. I was exposed to environmental history at Appalachian when I began taking courses with SD "Faculty Partner" Tim Silver and knew very quickly that I wanted to pursue it further. I will begin work on my thesis in the Spring so I do not have specific topic yet, but I am hoping to explore issues of political economy and public policy as they relate to the sustainability of agriculture. I am hoping to incorporate what I learned from studying agroecology in the SD department to examine the ways in which different agricultural practices have affected the environment.
How SD degree prepared me for life after college:
People definitely tend to assume that I majored in history as an undergrad, so I always enjoy the reactions I get when I tell them about SD and agroecology. I think that is really one of the most valuable things about my degree: I came out of college with a knowledge base that few people have had the opportunity to build by that point. I am so glad that I had time to develop that foundation while I was at ASU, and now I feel like I have a head start for taking it in new directions.
"The most valuable things about my degree: I came out of college with a knowledge base that few people have had the opportunity to build by that point. I am so glad that I had time to develop that foundation while I was at ASU, and now I feel like I have a head start for taking it in new directions."